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Enjoy the benefits of Compliance

Technical audit is an important step in ensuring the existing facilities satisfy the minimum regulatory and/or corporate safety requirements. Our process safety audits follow a simple three-step process that begins with data collection and analysis, Site visitations and interviews, followed by daily closeout meetings to report potential findings and a final report. Our auditors have the requisite soft and hard skills to ensure results. Our emphasis on good communication and collaboration with field personnel is paired with a deep industry experience and understanding of local and international regulatory requirements to ensure all bases are covered.


Our services include:

  • Process Safety Audit and Safeguards Testing Audit of an existing facility.
  • Risk Management Audit.
  • PSM Audit.
  • A desire for a cold eye perspective.

Why Hari Attal Process Safety Consulting?

  • We have extensive industry experience across multiple disciplines that gives us a unique understanding of safety and risk.
  • Our experts have a comprehensive understanding of what an effective safeguard looks like and can consistently identify gaps associated with these safeguards.